Women ""
As soon as I started to read the text by leftist conservative Fri Controversy to controversy - "Women", I knew right away that I can not leave this without comment. LK supports the assertion about a man named Little girls, and said that the comments Falki inc. (Ie Falki and company, as if someone had not caught the), are brilliantly funny, and they are true. I think that the author of this text supposedly studying, dobiłby me anymore, even if they wrote that studying psychology.
Ava Gardner Ava Gardner
Just a technical question. I we add as now, the text Falki have the color blue lyrics RIP, RIP, we have green, "honorable" LW red, and the few articles will be gray and Little, in addition, you may not have to look at the beginning of the text will be preceded by speeches xywką author.
[Eddie: I read this discussion with a very great interest, which took on the dimensions and subsequent comments LW. Therefore, I decided to join. My comments, it seems, will be easy to distinguish.]
Small>> All girls are oszustki *!
Falk>> LOL!:) And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, we learn a bit about girls and the dark side Mo .. pish! Their personalities!))
LW>> I disagree. Guests expressed their opinion with which I agree. All! A commendable exceptions only confirm the rule. There's really no point in me by ridiculing Little, because it is Right. A obśmiewanie his opinion is only an expression of your stupidity, distinguished polemicists.
Greta Garbo Greta Garbo
Sure, Little expressed his opinion, everyone has the right to do so. But if someone has already said out loud something he should think about it before. Maybe you just live in the area where the girl is oszustki, if so, can I make my condolences to you only. As to the last sentence of your speech, that's what she wrote Falk is her (and not only that, but now is not it) you can get opinion and disagree with it, as Falk does not agree with the opinion of the Little.
[Eddie: And I get the impression that you can not criticize the Little expression because LW agree with him. From myself, as an adult, I can only add that both men are wrong. In Little has probably talked about this via e-mail, so do not be surprised by my position. And if the LW had no doubt related to my adulthood, the only mention that I am closer to thirty than to twenty.]
Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin
Mom RIP>> The third voice in the discussion (if it even can be called a discussion or presentation of views). Small by the standards I was already very mature woman, for him, probably in the middle-aged matron, I have to say 39 years and life experiences relevant to my age. I have a family, children, I knew and I know many women and many men. It seems to me that these funny things, which prints small, is simply the effect of young age and immaturity. Still knows very little about życiuu, I probably even go a little pity. ;)
LW>> And it is Ms. J Well I disagree that I am if he does not have the experience of life? A man demonstrates the maturity of ideas, not age or life experience. A Little came to the obvious truth. Under capitalism, everything is to buy well-feeling. Only it depends on the price. Simple and logical. And his and my opinion is not funny at all. My stance stems from knowledge of present realities and views on this subject.
Jodie Foster Jodie Foster
[Eddie: Wetnę here in the word that shall say so, between the vodka and a snack. I would like to note that the maturity of views also goes hand in hand with experience. Experience acquired with age. Therefore, I do not think that little can reveal any truth here, the obvious is no longer alone. This is what he wrote about women, of course, due to his experience, but very small (this is not an allusion to ksywy). What about the women can say a teenage man? I am not saying I'm the smartest in this topic. But I have seen and experienced so that both the Little and Lewackiemu hair on their heads would have stood up.
What's that you do not have experience? Everything, you're right that a man shows the maturity of views, but as the name says, "maturity" if you do not have life experience, it is your vision when you were not mature. You say also that everything is to buy, even feelings, I agree that it is not a little girl that you can buy (and I'm not talking about those for which the sale in August, is a way of earnings, because that's another story), but if you can buy affection? Do you think that if you're meeting with a girl who is with you only for money and she in return for a new ciuszek tell you I love you "is it really mean?
Jane Fonda Jane Fonda
Small>> * Subject majority of girls to 20 years of age.
LW> 100 percent right! Not only the age of 20. Then often ....... believe me.
In my little able to immediately write that applies to all the girls to 30, because then would come probably more controversy to its text.
Falk>> Hmmm ... That is me too:)) And since I am also, now you have przechlapane (joke:)) I'm going to read it to the end:))
LW>> So my dear friend identifies himself with the majority, wrote Little. There he wrote after "all" If you're 19 years old and do not pull money from the guy still does not belong to this group I think about. Is it really hard to understand ?????
Why did you write that Falk identifies with the whole, yet it was the beginning of the text of the Small and she did not know whether more will be negatively or positively, and that grabs the age limit, it wrote that it affects it too (sorry Falk, I'm talking to you, but IMHO this view you had when writing it)
Ella Fitzgerald Ella Fitzgerald
RIP Mom>> Well, here it really przegiąłeś boy, you know how many girls? 20, 200, 2000, 20000? Approximately 5 - 6 thousand. a representative group (such as statisticians say), this would be a girl from different backgrounds, different areas of the country.
LW>> Personally, I know many of them. And as to the statistics? Is enough to make their own observations and my friends ..... You can see it for yourself.
Why statistics? After this, you do not talk about any group of people in a negative way, on the basis of a few individuals. such as how you beat some punk (which is rather unrealistic, no, unless you read the text), it will immediately say that punks from around the world only think about it, to give someone in the face?
Small>> The first thing is the price you must pay for a guy who is a woman. Everyone knows that the woman is a bottomless well.
Falk>> Well? Maaario! Bring me a mirror, no, let them look at each other ... Hmmm ... Strange ... I do not remember well, P Oka, it was a goopi joke:)) (recall really well in the crank pomponikiem or Angelina Jolie;))
Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan
RIP>> a bottomless well? Well, I see something new. ^ _-
LW>> I see that it does not pojęliście metaphorically. It is only a musical! And the analogy between women (the majority) and a bottomless pit seems all too obvious. I also agree with that.
[Eddie: What You, leftist, k *** and you know about women and wells! Do not just stand and I gushed a lack of restraint, because I am for the umpteenth time, such an approach leads gówniarskie. Forgive me, I'm fly, but this is absurd. Yes, it is the responsibility of the guy pay for a woman when he invites her somewhere. Nobody, however, do not tell me that a woman is twenty, a toddler, which have notoriously explicit. And anyway, so psioczysz women - tell me so, why would i care for them at all?]
And maybe a little outside wybiegnijmy only about women. Every thing (God forbid the term "thing" I do not mean women) who take pleasure in a bottomless pit, you like music? You load money on the disc. Do you like books? The cash is not loading. You do it because it makes you some kind of pleasure. And if she needs from you, you load money into it, it just proves it wrong, but I do not know if you know how pleased you could make the girl and even some trifle, but from the heart?
Isadora Duncan Isadora Duncan
Small>> Nothing but wants money, money, money, and once again the money.
LW>> Holidays true ......
Falk>> LOL !!:)) sympathize with you, my dear, that such leeches've come:)
LW>> Leeches? One of several examples, which I know from personal experience: a colleague in a taxi, which wished to ride his girlfriend gave more than 250 zł use to get to the disco, etc., from his modest salary. Stupid thought that she loves him .... And then she let it crease .. This is not true leeches? Hehehe ....... Examples are numerous and do not want to quote them all here ...... In most, they simply do not know how to love anything other than blunt L ..
Falk is right again. And as for your friend, it is a sucker, if she loved him it should be aware of his financial situation, no, unless he is ashamed of, but in this case, where's the sincerity that should be the basis of love. Besides, if it is to love him, it's not szlajałaby discos only after she spent time with him in some romantic way, but even if it would be very keen on the disco and on it, it would go there, even on foot. I would like to hear other examples, if you had more of them to e-mail me.Phyllis Diller Phyllis Diller
[Eddie: And I write this - my girlfriend lives a long way from me. Buses for transport to the house goes to her about two hours. Although it does not require from me, so I hauled it taxis. I will say more than I even expected, that when it starts to bug back taxi, which costs about 150pln is odwiodę her from this idea.]
RIP>> Also sorry for him. My Chosen wants me above all feelings, and as I mention that I want her to buy something (because I was so ^_-), coming up over time that I can not. Hmm ... Then it really is bad luck. ^ _ ^
Well, and this is the rub. Girl who loves will not require that its something that could possibly ask, but I probably will not even be discouraged, as in the example of RIP, but there is just a pleasure for you if you buy her a gift which she does not expect, is it RIP?
Marlene Dietrich Marlene Dietrich
RIP Mom>> With that enough is enough, I'm an adult and I experienced a lot of such opportunities (certainly more than a little), mostly to pay just the one who had more money. If a woman depends on man, surely realizes that he is wealthy and will not require an invitation to the "Holiday Inn". In fact, for a woman what counts is what the relationship is to her a man, if it respects or does not treat her like sweet bitch, or just loves her. Certainly there are exceptions, but in the end of each rule are.
[Eddie: I do not know whether the person signing as "RIP Mom" is actually his mother. But I do know that what he writes is as flowing from the mind of an adult, in other words, mature. And with the "mother", whoever he is, I agree completely.]
LW>> Do not you notes significant changes that have occurred since the time of your youth. In socialism it looked quite different question of sentiment, selflessness, and money. Then had the expertise and broad horizons, and not a state account. In addition, cost pennies a cafe .... Apoteozuję then the system does not just quote the facts. Koch? I do not understand that word. Today, true love is very rare, or not at all impossible. It's just infatuation, hormones, fenyloetyloanina. I think so
Ellen DeGeneres Ellen DeGeneres
[Eddie: leftist, you rośmieszaj me, because I laughed out of the way - I recognize the seriousness. The impression that the man too many books naczytałeś futuristic. While we do not. I have another idea - I think that a woman recently kicked you in the ass and now looking for a way to to survive. So put it, the man responsible adult and would not seize on such words. Or maybe you're just bitter guy who has never met such thing as love? And this is not a mockery, my words are totally serious.]
What it was like, I can not say because I'm too young, but my mother RIP is right, as she loves you, then she did not care that you do not have to take it for what even the cheapest coffee shop, it only cares that you were with her. What is the difference whether expressed their love on a picnic (cheap version) or in an upscale restaurant (much more expensive version)? If I love, there is no difference to you where you are, the only important thing and for you to be the other person and not a state of its accounts. Except that today, true love is very rare, I agree only in part, I'd put it differently, it is not frequent, but nei again, this is also very rare.Bette Davis Bette Davis
Small>> Think about it. What do you do when arranging a new friend from a girl? Simple enough. Shower, clean clothes, clean teeth and, and, again, and safe - a lot of cash.
Falk>> Hmmm ... And again, something I do not understand (you have to forgive, not only that I was stupid dzioucha from the village is still blonde ;)))) The last sentence shows that getting ready for a date you need to spend money on clean clothes, toothpaste, etc. It sounded so as if you did not have this at home and had to buy:))) (I Chamsk? I hope not:))) You take a shower, do not pay (unless you count the cost of the consumption of water:)), clean clothes = = powder, washed clothes, I do not believe that you have to spend money to buy powder, such things take care of the parents:)) Well, unless you live alone, and so I turn the honor:) The same applies to brushing your teeth:))
Dorothy Dandridge Dorothy Dandridge
LW>> Comment out of place. How do you know if he and I remained the same or not? In addition, the water too and it pays damn expensive. Nay, do not read the passage in the style of Little pronunciation: "I am self-denying, does not wash, etc. ....) You do not know value of money and terribly large costs of everyday existence. Typical bourgeois J J
[Edie: Up to what I wrote previously still throw that will earn enough (or not at all.) But I will comfort you, I also will not be credited, but this is not a reason for me to treat women as the assassination of his own pocket. Oh, you correct the little, the water does not cost so much.]
oks. we all know that everything costs money, but in his speech, he says as if he did the girl, by the grace of that date to bathe and clean dresses. You write that we do not know value of money, but tell me if you wash in August just before a date? I just do not understand what was going on to the little, and you in your speeches, you write that before the date you need to wash, clean and dress, etc., or do not do this on a daily basis? Is it only requires the presence of a girl that does not stink?
A small>> and, more importantly, it can be something to them on a first date (How do you just get used to complain).
Joan Crawford Joan Crawford
LV>> God forbid!
What this proposal? The best way to Talk to a girl and takes the opportunity to verify that she loves you is: "Hey, can we go out somewhere at night, but bring cash because I have not." Anyway it is a well dug in August, I bought a couple of times, even as her girlfriends something I was not with them on a date, I think it is called "selfless", but since you say that there is nothing to buy even a date, what I I did buy some stupid little things, even the girls with whom I did not intend to walk. No longer do this error:))) JOKE:))
Small>> I have a proven system. You go to the pub with my girlfriend, it pays for itself and for you (Forgot cash). There is no choice.
LW>> Nice! I do not have the system because very often I go on dates. But Little J's proposal is interesting.
Falk>> have a choice:)) throw such a sucker like you :)))) I do not I mean that you should pay for it, but is that good manners require a man to pay for a woman if he invites you somewhere . Another thing if you initiated the first date is kobitka, but this rarely happens :))))
LW>> manners by the way, and the brutal reality of his own. Why Miss is better placed as not to pay over time ?????
Claudette Colbert Claudette Colbert
[Eddie: As regards the method of 'forgotten money', it has already happened once, on the occasion of some controversy in the text of the Little, uttered. This is a childish, dishonest and unworthy of man.]
After such a thing, do not be surprised if you threw a girl (I am talking of course and not a first date with that which is with you in earnest for a long time). With your second denounced partly agree, of course, that girl is better off can sometimes pay. Nobody do not forbid it, but another thing to say you forgot to cash, and she must spend her unexpectedly.
Small>> How do I know you want to let him pay.
Falk>> So for a date to invite you Kobiałki, and it is not you, right? So concludes txtu ... Because if you invite them for a date it means that it is you want to know them, and they do not you:))
Patsy Cline Patsy Cline
LW>> That is how he wants them to know it has to pay this? " And if someone wants to get closer to some girl and no money so what? Is to grit your teeth and give up? This is the result of your feedback Falko.
[Eddie: It means that when a woman invites you to the pub, you have to reckon with the expenditure and can not talk about watching is that she will put cash suddenly. You can also invite a girl for a walk, it is also a good way to get closer to her. I think that you gentlemen liczycie on one thing: to introduce ourselves and immediately go to work, but so primitive, it's probably not you. There are, right?]
And who said that anyone who wants to get to know the girl has to pay? That is how I understand the concept of dating is that, in order to become better acquainted, and not in order to make money. Is a worse place to become better acquainted with the girl is even a nice park, or skwerek than a restaurant? After a walk in the park, you pay nothing, and just like in a restaurant, you can talk to her. What do you say?Cyd Charisse Cyd Charisse
Small>> What she has to pay for a conversation with me. Oh no - it's impossible. And now the cat's tail odwróćmy And we have to pay for a conversation with her. Something is probably wrong.
LW>> Exactly!
Falk>> How do you care about the girl, even the last penny wydałbyś to meet her:))
LW>> And how would you have to pay for housing, electricity, rent, etc. This also would you be so optimistic? Money is a scarce commodity. There are things more important than feelings.
[Eddie: You say that things are more important than feelings? Tell me the same thing when you're dying of loneliness. When the day comes where you wished death to share with someone their problems, when you're painfully wanted to have someone close with you. Tell me that my colleagues and the internet does the trick? I doubt it. I also pay for housing, water, gas and such pierdoły. I have a hell of expenditure - the woman I love, however, is most important to me. Because when it will not remain in my life is nothing, I know that, at least it was I could ask for it and I still the same person and not the wallet, which was suddenly opustoszony. Few even know dude.]
Diahann Carroll Diahann Carroll
The last opinion have proven that you are nothing more than a materialist. If you take something to write about girls, and thus the feelings of love should be most important to you, and you continue to checkout. btw. tell me about this sentence is little pay for a conversation with someone, because I do not understand, no, unless the city from which it originates discussions can take place only in restaurants, bars, pubs, etc.
RIP>> holy word, but he evidently very dependent. ^ _ ^
LW>> do not know him or me. Do not make the fundamental mistake of youth, or judge by appearances.
uh, do not overdo it with this mistake of youth, with the text is the alternative to me, because RIP is no longer so young again:)) JOKE:)) In addition, he complains that judging by appearances, and who at the beginning, agreed with the opinion of Young that all girls are oszustki? I'll remind you who YOU. Is it was not judging by appearances? Perhaps only superficially all the girls are oszustki?
Falk>> And believe me, it works both ways, it can give kobity remnants of savings (or even borrow a friend's:)) to get on the bus and go to a meeting with a guy, which depends on them:))Karen Carpenter Karen Carpenter
LW>> How can we not have bigger problems - they wanted to. I have.
[Eddie: What's Here k *** a say? You have bigger problems? I do not know if you noticed, but Falk wrote about women, not about you. You would probably regret even five dollars on flower for a girl, if only to see how to see him smiling. Do not you think that you should do something other than writing about women? With your words that you're not totally interested in them. I'll just say, the heart and soul I am with Falk, because kobita is right.]
Once again I ask of you, why did you take up for commenting, art about girls and love seeing the / g you are bigger problems than love? Anyway this is Falk, if what you wrote is not an element of autobiography? :)
RIP>> True, but it must be something to feel, not think, like this fellow, about how can you save on feelings.Maria Callas Maria Callas
LW>> And what do I save? Without love and affection I can live without work. Work = MONEY = Existence
[Eddie: I will try once again to approach the leftist, as a man - you know, I also worked for a long time. Only worked. I did not have anyone. And you know what? K sko **** me that was missing! And you know why? 'Cause everything I did, did not matter to me. I was alone. Yes, and I have had friends and colleagues, but it was not enough. Damn it struck me when I went to a party, to which most people come with their partners. I missed a loved one. But you probably just the work itself. What do you think how much time will lead to the zloty counting?]
Right, work = money, but even I had a very high-paying job, and tens of thousands zarabiałbym it and so did not want me to do so, for what? I only enough so that I could not hold on, but it would be a motivation for which one would like to make money. Why do I need cash, which gives only substitute for happiness, since I do not love?
Carol Burnett Carol Burnett
RIP>> Sometimes it should be disinterested.
LW>> In capitalism selflessness you can afford to put in a pocket. After what I have to risk their hard-money and expect that I would be rejected? I am sincere for a handful of my friends and family. In this system NO pojęcia.l'll find that once about this very painful when you will know the disadvantages of adulthood and stop a damn about feelings. Go down to the ground!
[Eddie: If I met you personally, do not sell you omieszkałbym siarczystego kick. And you know why? Because you consider yourself an adult's most experienced and wisest! I suggest you something, you go down to the ground. As I see it is you're the least is an adult. So what you pay for it, or that. Do you think it shows your maturity? You are in great error. Believe in your adulthood only when you start to speak like an adult and not as a kid.]Louise Brooks Louise Brooks
From what you write you are sincere to his friends, but not for a girl you love. I will say a nonsense! You know what any of us is something wrong either with you or with me. Let each reader to answer the question of where.
Small>> So the best way is this: it first and then you pay again, and again.
Falk>> And I just know this:) 'Cause who's seen that she was paying for the guy ??:)) Why, it is good manners forbid something like this! What a gentleman, a woman who founds piwsko!)) (For example:)) As I just do not want to pay, it is sufficient that speaks and every one of you will be paid back:))
LW>> Why? System that offers little is honest. Once you pay, once I do. What is this inappropriate?Fanny Brice Fanny Brice
It is inappropriate in this, that, judging by your earlier very materialistic pronouncements that a date for which she will pay, you'll be ordering the same expensive things, well, because who you forbid, you recently been paid, and now her turn. In the event that Falk has proposed for each of you zamawiałby things that it can afford.
RIP>> In short, the avarice and arrogance until poured, and the girl he probably never really cared. Sure you look for such a show that is like, and that his buddies jealous. ^ _ ^
LW>> meanness and rudeness nazyważ situation when someone is physically may not have cash and want to be with a girl. Stupid nonsense.Clara Bow Clara Bow
[Eddie: Meanness and arrogance, is counting on the fact that you will know the woman at no cost. Yes, once or twice you invite for a walk, but on the third or fourth is to offer pub or cinema.]
Even when you read your next comments barely stand not laughing. Once again I ask, what the hell you want to be safe as a girl? Ask yourself the question what is more important to be or have?
RIP>> And here we see clearly, my boy, that you depend only on the sex and the feelings you have in zadku. Well ... I pity you. Really.Ingrid Bergman Ingrid Bergman
LW>> Interesting, but I think something completely different. Slightly longer I do it from your romance. Go down to the ground! In the jungle the present there is no place for the romantic - these are the first destroyed. Think about it ....
[Eddie: leftist, you insert a microchip instead of the brain and heart, instead of the fuel pump, maybe then you will feel completely satisfied. You say that the Romantics were the first to be destroyed? You're wrong, it is like you will die in solitude. Feelings are not for anything you need? Possible, at least at this moment. I hope that we will have the opportunity to talk about it for ten years.]
Finally, I think I understand your approach to the issue. We have to give yourself peace of mind from romanticism and go down to the ground, about which is the important thing is to go on a date, then to bed, swing, and after the kid? Since there is no place for us is we need to act in the underground. Falk, Rip, and others, assume the exclusive club.Candice Bergen Candice Bergen
[Eddie: And I to this club very happy to proceed. Let us know, when I move.]
Falk>> As I said, it comes to the cinema to watch movies !!!:)) Recently I was in the cinema with my mascot, we were alone in the room was dark, and in general, and you know what we did? Not that zboki !!:))) !!!:)) Bo watched video so we went there:)) do "other things" may be elsewhere:))
LW>> Sam I visit the cinema is not for various reasons, including financial. In addition to this 100 times will watch a video on DivXie in my apartment. Cinema-noise, non-stop comments, etc.. I hate that!! And if someone goes to the movies normal to have sex? Probably not. Thus, there is no need to pull this issue further
When I read that my hands dropped. Where Falk wrote about going to the cinema in order to have sex? Well then, how do you say bread for the hungry mind.
Ethel Barrymore Ethel Barrymore
[Eddie: Obviously you're right, leftist suffering from hunger, but it's not squealing fridge. Speaking of his speech - the movie also pity him money? I do not know how much he earns, I just know that I often just enough to the end of the month and not crazy about the bars, even so, sometimes I like a good movie to jump to the movies. DIV'x, the final step for me desperate, when they no longer give advice to see a movie in the cinema.]
Small>> Yes, I know that I'm already deleted
LW>> In the life of man! You have the assurance of support from me and all my friends! Remember there is always more stupid than smart. We are in the minority .... J
Here, it's exaggerated. You can disagree with our opinions, no one shall prevent you, but why insult us saying that we are stupid?
Tallulah Bankhead Tallulah Bankhead
[Eddie: I can see that in this respect it is undervalued leftist. Could the principle of "do not praise me, so praise himself? Note buddy that praise, it must be earned, and you do not have much then.]
Falk>> WRONG!)) (Is a junior, did not Mrs. Bozena:)) How she loves to do it:))) But what about you, qrna, you know about the killing ... pish! love ??:))))
LW>> brilliant phrase!! And what do you know about the so-called "love" at age 19? NOTHING! Love Today is a scarce commodity, it does not exist, all hormones, infatuation, and phenylethylamine. It's my opinion.
[Eddie: Niuniuś, and what you know about love? From what you write, it is not very much. Honestly, some woman had a powerful kick you sell, because otherwise you would not so psioczył. I would add however, that since so psioczysz, it also had the merit of that kick. And to you a little corrected, I'll write that in this material world goes more and more people towards values such as love. However, I am thinking of normal people, healthy-minded. You do not regard this.]
qrna! man, read what you wrote previously before it, write another stupidity. Why did you leave me here with age (as you're interested I have, even less, not much less, but always) when he wrote, that counts maturity of views, rather than age and life experience?Lucille Ball Lucille Ball
Falk>> No, and showed here what a materialist ... "I'd wanted to I bought everything (...)" Geezz .. This hire a escort agency: P Then you'll have everything you want!
LW>> word of my comment. Is if someone is a materialist it right away is worse? Sam I am and that it is not ashamed. Because I know what I strive for many years. Good job, earnings and oscar oscar oscar .... Only that counts! Whoever it is, not thinking about it. Therefore, talking trash about the lofty values and love as the most important things in life .... I do not have the luxuries and pierdoły. Even if I had, then perhaps I could also live alone. Because you have to be hard and not soft!
[Eddie: We'll see how Bedeiah hard when you come alone dogorywać. Oscar, oscar, oscar ...
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