poniedziałek, 29 marca 2010


Let me speak in a debate initiated by the Vienna? Husband Lilith, and this
due to the fact that I know what probably about it. Although I reserve that is
only the pure theory, because every person is different and otherwise directs
their fate. I will write in the points that was John.

1 Is it possible to love someone who you never saw, and not talking?
Of course it is! I am the best example. By the end of life is not
forget waiting for the e-mails or chat room połšczenie and
seat the night before the monitor. That is its charm, but is not the same ...
This, however, I believe that this knowledge of the measure is better than to know someonedog names dog names
at the party.

2 Then it comes time to actually touch and begins to Direct
"Normal" zwišzek. I write "normal" because I do not think that the normal
zwišzek could survive the turmoil of feelings such as the network. Quite
otherwise is wrong, you know the person really in this and you know that even the quiet days after
nothing more than a momentary crisis ... and remember what it was like when ...
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3 Kolejnš prawdš is that when the time difference wychodzš charkterów and
interests. But so what? Do you want it or not life is one
a great compromise. What's that, my other half does not share my
muzykš passion? What that does not understand what's going on in football? Must
observance in a compromise, I do not oglšdnę some of the less important matches, or let a
lighter, and after the ...
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4 CONSEQUENCES. Well doszlimy to the point, because before you decide to
send a few stupid emails, it zdajcie realize that this may
mean to you very serious consequences. Fall in love, find it
you can not live without this other person and then what? If it is so bad as
As in the case Qn'ika. These are just a few hundred kilometers, are young people after schoolpuppies names puppies names
mogš zaczšć studies in the same rubbish and after the trouble. And what I have
say? Kilkanacie thousands of miles, 8 hours difference, other
mentalnoć ... One or the other will kick their life plans. The first
try my second half and durable 1.5 years in Poland, now turn to
wywišzać to me with love obowišzku, because life without each other is not
life ... Lose hundreds of different things, and I gain only jednš. But this
najważniejszš, so ... I am not going to regret!
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Okay ... in brief: miłoć the network is the most
possible, but first it is worth considering the consequences, and after
rozłška second is then very painful. Once you get used to
smell and touch the other person is a return to virtual rzeczywistoci
is fucking nasty. It is no longer the same ...

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